Annual Report 2019-2020
A Year Like No Other

Marc Bisson, Executive Director

Jean-François Pagé, Chairman of the Board
Like many others, the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) has experienced a year like no other. Although a typical year is uncommon in the health care system, the year 2020 will undoubtedly make history. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only disrupted the lives of many people, it has affected day-to-day operations at our centre. The dedication and commitment of our staff, as well as their ability to adapt to these exceptional circumstances have once again been placed at the forefront. We would like to acknowledge and, above all, thank them for their support.
Before the pandemic emerged, the CSCE was highly involved in the Ontario Prescott-Russell Health Team project. Our organization, along with the Hawkesbury and District General Hospital, co-chaired a large group of broad-based health agencies to establish a health team within the region. We also actively participated in the Cornwall, Ottawa East and Winchester health team projects.
The CSCE’s Accreditation Has Been Renewed for Another Four Years
The year 2019-2020 was also marked by our 6th accreditation from the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA) which is valid until 2024. The CCA conducted a comprehensive review of our organization with an accreditation program that is modular. The program requires a set of organizational standards covering areas such as governance, organizational planning and performance, leadership and risk management, with program and service modules relevant to the various departments. We are very proud of this achievement.
Working Towards Improving Safety and Quality of Care
The CSCE introduced a new electronic medical record in 2020. After using the Purkinje system for more than 20 years, the CSCE joined Ontario’s Alliance for Healthier Communities’ Telus project. Since June, our staff has been using the Telus PS Suite platform. This transition (initiated during a pandemic no less) resulted in significant changes and greatly impeded our work and day-to-day operations. Staff training and adjustments required for such a transition are near completion. We are confident that this new platform will improve efficiency and be of great benefit to our clients.
Every One Matters.
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the staff and many volunteers at the CSCE. Their dedication and commitment make a big difference and contribute every day to ensuring that Every One Matters.