Please click the images above for information about each subject.

COVID-19 Info

General information about COVID-19:

COVID-19 self-assessment:

COVID-19 school and child care screening:

Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU):

Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Browse your community’s resources on 211 Ontario.


Cornwall Community Hospital:

Glengarry Memorial Hospital:

Winchester District Memorial Hospital:

Hawkesbury & District General Hospital:

  • 1111 Ghislain Street, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3G5
  • 613 632-1111


Champlain Health Line:

Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU):

Get medical advice over the phone with Telehealth Ontario:

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Browse your community's resources on 211 Ontario.


Mental Health

Crisis lines:

Throughout the province, programs and services are available to ensure Ontarians get the crisis supports they need during COVID-19. Visit the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) website to download a complete crisis resource guide:


  • AccessMHA makes it easier to help find mental health and/or substance use support, services, and care.

Wellness Together Canada:

  • Program that provides support for mental health and substance use.
  • 1 866 585-0445

Bounce Back Ontario:

AA (Al-Anon / Alateen):

Assaulted Women’s Helpline:

PLEO | Parents’ Lifeline:

  • Non-profit family peer support organization for parents whose children to age 25 are facing mental health challenges.
  • 613 321-3211 or 1 855 775-7005

Eastern Champlain Youth Wellness Hubs (12-25):

Kids Help Phone (Jeunesse, J’écoute) – up to age 20:

  • 24/7: No matter what you want to talk about, we’re here to listen. No judgment, totally private. Mental health, substance abuse, etc.
  • Phone: 1 800 668-6868
  • Text CONNECT to 686868
  • (live chat with a counsellor available)

Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Browse your community’s resources on 211 Ontario.


Physical well-being

ActiveAgingCanada: (French only):

  • Kinesiologist-led exercise videos at a variety of intensities, for participants aged 50 and up.

Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie:

TOUGO (French only):


Intellectual well-being

Virtual exhibits:

Social well-being


  • Amintro is the online social platform and information hub exclusively for those 50+ interested in expanding their circles of friends and staying involved, informed and connected.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Browse your community's resources on 211 Ontario.


Food Resources

Home delivery service*

Delivery of supplies such as groceries or prescription medication:

Meals on Wheels:

* Contact your local grocery store for information about delivery service and special opening hours reserved for seniors or people at higher risk of contracting COVID-19.

Food Banks

List of food banks available in Prescott-Russel:

Good Neighbours Food Bank (Embrun, Russell, Limoges): 

Casselman Food Bank:

Hawkesbury Central Food Bank:

Rockland Help Centre (food bank):

Alfred Food Bank:

Riceville Food Bank:

  • 613 715-0867

Bourget Food Bank:

  • 3779-B Champlain Road, Bourget
  • 613 293-9855

L’Orignal Food Bank and Thrift Store:

Vankleek Hill Food Bank: 

Saint Vincent de Paul Society (Alexandria):

  • 162 Main Street South, Alexandria, ON K0C 1A0
  • 613 525-0941 ou 613 525-3466
  • Emergency: 613 525-3859

Saint Vincent de Paul Society (Cornwall):

  • 434 Second Street West, Cornwall, ON K6J 1H1
  • 613 932-9345
House of Lazarus Community Outreach Mission (North Dundas):

Community Food Share (Winchester, Morrisburg and Finch):

Agapè Centre: 

Salvation Army (Cornwall):

Centre 105 (Cornwall):

Green Food Box – Various locations:

  • The Green Food Box is a non-profit program that brings neighbouring communities together to buy a variety of quality fresh fruits and vegetables at a wholesale price.


Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Browse your community’s resources on 211 Ontario.



Employment Insurance – COVID-19:
As of September 27, 2020, there are some temporary changes to the EI program to help you access EI benefits. These changes will be in effect for 1 year.

EI sickness benefits:

To find the Ontario Works office in your region: 

Eric Duncan, MP (SDG): 

Desjardins Mutual Assistance Fund: 

Benefits and Programs Finder: 

Ontario Energy Board: 


Job Zone d’emploi (Cornwall and the counties):

Glengarry Inter-Agency Group – Ontario Employment Services:

Choose Cornwall:

Employment Services Centre (Prescott and Russell):

Legal aid

Legal Aid Ontario:

Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (Online – Fraud Reporting System):


Cornwall & Area Housing Corporation:

Housing Services Prescott-Russell:

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Browse your community's resources on 211 Ontario.


Youth Supports

Single Point Access:

  • Information and referral for services for children and youth (up to 18 years old) in Champlain District.
  • 613 938-9909

Learn at home:

Children’s Mental Health Ontario:

School Mental Health Ontario:

Regroupement Autisme Prescott-Russell (French):

Eastern Champlain Youth Wellness Hubs (12-25):

Children’s Aid Society (SDG):

Children’s Treatment Centre :

Child, youth & family crisis line:

PLEO | Parents’ Lifeline:

  • Non-profit family peer support organization for parents whose children up to age 25 are facing mental health challenges.
  • 613 321-3211 or 1 855 775-7005

Kids Help Phone (Jeunesse, J’écoute) – up to age 20:

  • 24/7: No matter what you want to talk about, we’re here to listen. No judgment, totally private. Mental health, substance abuse, etc.
  • Phone: 1 800 668-6868
  • Text CONNECT to 686868
  • (live chat with a counsellor available)

My pregnancy, my experience:

  • Program to support low-income pregnant women from the Prescott-Russell area.
  • 1 866 363-3210 or

Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Browse your community’s resources on 211 Ontario.


The CSCE remains in contact with the entities responsible for distributing COVID-19 vaccines. Getting vaccinated is an important step towards preventing the spread of the virus and the CSCE will be actively participating in the vaccination campaign. We will provide you with more information as it becomes available.

The CSCE encourages its clients to get vaccinated.

Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU):

Ontario Ministry of Health Resources:

The Government of Ontario has shared its distribution plan which details who will be vaccinated and when:

If you have safety concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine, please consult the following government websites for more information:

Video: Why you can’t compare COVID-19 vaccines – Vox:



Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Browse your community’s resources on 211 Ontario :


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