It’s more important than ever to get your flu shot. Get ahead of the game and plan to get your flu shot now. Call us to make an appointment with the nurse.
Flu is a serious infection that can result in severe complications. Nobody is safe from the flu. Your best means of defense against the flu is vaccination.
Vaccination is provided to our clients and is free of charge.
Getting vaccinated against the flu means protecting yourself!
For more details about the flu, please go to the MOHLTC Website and learn about the virus and recognize the symptoms.
Cornwall, January 26, 2023 – Since the beginning of January, the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) is doing its part to reduce overcrowding in emergency room by offering more availability to its primary health clients for urgent or semi-urgent appointments through the “NP Emergency Clinic Project”.
These emergency appointments, which are mostly virtual or by telephone, are available to all CSCE primary health clients, regardless of where they normally receive services. For example, a client from the Embrun CSCE with sinusitis symptoms may access to a virtual emergency appointment with a nurse practitioner (NP) located the Cornwall CSCE.
Usually, appointments are available on Mondays and Fridays, and sometimes even on weekends. It is also important to note that some consultation reasons require an in-person visit. If necessary, at the request of the NP, clients will be asked to go to their local CSCE site to provide a sample or to complete a test.
We would like to extend a warm thank you to the four CSCE nurse practitioners who responded to the call to provide more availability for these emergency appointments, and better meet the needs of underserved communities in Eastern Ontario.
Photo: Marie-Eve Poliquin, Nurse Practitioner at Cornwall CSCE
Cornwall, January 24, 2023 – In recent weeks, the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) has been recognizing the exceptional contribution of its volunteers from each of its sites. Whether through programs such as the Green Food Box, vaccination clinics or ongoing involvement in exercise or recreational activities, the CSCE volunteers are an endless source of solidarity and compassion for the communities of Eastern Ontario.
In appreciation of their time and dedication to the well-being of the community, the CSCE’s Community Health Team hosted several events in December and January, highlighted by expressions of appreciation, team-building activities and door prizes. In all, more than 30 CSCE volunteers were honoured during these events.
For Marc Therrien, Manager of Community Health and Mental Health Programs at the CSCE, it was essential to recognize the contribution of our volunteers following the pandemic: “It’s so nice to see you in person, finally! This event is an important step as we return to a more normal life that we enjoyed so much before the COVID-19 crisis. To maintain good community health, we need vibrant relationships that keep us going. Thank you to all the volunteers working at CSCE and keep it up!”
An integral part of the CSCE’s successes, the talent, time and energy that these persons devote to volunteering enhance the quality of the services offered. CSCE’s volunteers provide precious support for many programs and activities, including:
Volunteer Recognition held on December 7 at the Cornwall CSCE:
Volunteer Recognition held on December 21 at the Bourget CSCE:
Volunteer Recognition held on January 18 at the Crysler CSCE:
Did you know that most respiratory illness, including colds, influenza, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and COVID-19, can be managed at home without the need for prescription medications?
The Government of Ontario is sharing the following resources regarding respiratory illnesses:
Please consult the links below for more information:
Click here to read family doctors tips on how to decide when to seek care for a respiratory illness and how to support your child at home (source: Ontario College of Family Physicians).
If you have trouble obtaining pediatric acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil), it is possible to prepare appropriate doses for a child with adult tablets. Please consult your pharmacy or health professional at your next appointment.
Cornwall, December 5, 2022 | After two years in virtual mode, the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) was very excited to finally hold its annual auction in person on Thursday, December 1 at the Bonnie Glen Pavilion in Alexandria. This fundraising event, which is particularly important to our clients during these difficult times, allowed our employees and board members to raise a whopping $11,326, helping more than 140 families.
For almost 20 years now, the employees at the CSCE have held this annual auction to raise funds for clients who face financial challenges. 75% of the money raised will be used to buy gift cards, which will be distributed to individuals and families living in our communities. We are so pleased that this initiative can bring some solace to those in need during the holidays throughout the counties of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell. The remaining 25% is reserved for needs that may occur throughout the year.
Congratulations and a sincere thank you to all those who made this fundraiser a huge success!
Auction items
Team of auctioneers and presenters
Auctioneer and presenter in action
Marc Bisson, Executive Director
Bernard Lamarche, Chair of the Board
Over the past few decades, an increase in the aging of the population has been observed. Seniors are growing in number and are living longer. However, they are more likely to have limitations, falls and require care.
To meet this need, the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) will be offering, as of January 2023, a new telehealth program MARCHE VERS LE FUTUR (MVF). MVF is a unique falls prevention initiative designed for sedentary French-speaking older adults 55 +. Two free groups will be offered – a hybrid group in Cornwall (indoor participants) and a second virtual group (at-home participants).
Thursday from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
January 12 to March 23, 2023
Health Promoter: Tania Sveistrup (
Tuesday from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
January 10 to March 21, 2023
Health Promoter: Sylvain Thibault (
MVF is a 12-week program that aims to reduce the risk factors responsible for falls in the elderly and to improve access to health services.
For more information, contact Sylvie Thauvette Legros at or 613 557-2210 #6224.
Education to protect tomorrow is the theme of World Diabetes Day 2022, the second year of the 2021–23 focus on access to diabetes care. This year’s campaign focuses on the need for better access to quality diabetes education for health professionals and people living with diabetes.
Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body either cannot produce insulin or cannot properly use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Diabetes leads to high blood sugar levels, which can damage organs, blood vessels and nerves. The body needs insulin to use sugar as an energy source.
At this time, researchers do not yet know how to prevent type 1 diabetes. However, type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented. If you have risk factors for type 2 diabetes, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Better food choices, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight will help.
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) started World Diabetes Day in 1991 in response to the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. It has since grown to become a globally celebrated event and an official United Nations (UN) awareness day. It is now the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign.
One in 10 adults around the world now live with diabetes, an estimated 537 million people. Almost half do not know they have it. This is putting added strain on healthcare systems.
Healthcare professionals must know how to detect and diagnose the condition early and provide the best possible care.
People living with diabetes need access to ongoing education to understand their condition and carry out the daily self-care essential to staying healthy and avoiding complications.
IDF is committed to facilitating learning opportunities for all people impacted by diabetes. The Understanding Diabetes platform provides free online and interactive courses to help people with diabetes and their carers to understand and manage their condition.
The Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie’s (CSCE) Diabetes Education Program allows all people with diabetes or prediabetes to learn the skills they need to take an active role in managing their condition daily. The Diabetes Education Program team is made up of a dietitian and a nurse whose mandate is to teach people with diabetes to take charge of their health and manage their disease. To do this, one group session along with personalized follow-ups are offered on topics. The program is available at our Alexandria, Bourget, Cornwall and Embrun locations.
To know more about Diabetes, visit or
Cornwall, October 17, 2022 – From October 17 to 23, the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) is celebrating its continued work along with partners in Eastern Ontario to confront inequity in support of equitable health for everyone living here. We have some activities planned for the week, and you can learn about them here:
This week, we pause to celebrate innovative and relentless work in Eastern Ontario, alongside other community-based organizations, grassroots teams, local leaders and community health champions across the province. Health inequities made apparent to many and worsened by the pandemic, particularly for people already marginalized in society, demand strong, locally-driven and led responses. When we confront inequity locally together, that’s what makes it possible to celebrate community.
“It’s only by confronting inequity, in our everyday work, at our organization and in its policies, and in advocating for system change, that we can truly meet the needs of everyone in our community,” says Marc Bisson, Executive Director. “Real change for marginalized people and communities takes shape when we start to examine, shift and replace policies, procedures, and other forms of the status quo of oppression that perpetuate and reproduce vulnerable conditions, instead of blaming the people who endure inequities. Here at the CSCE, we celebrate our community’s efforts to achieve real change.”
In Eastern Ontario, confronting inequity is shown in changing needs of Francophone and vulnerable communities, including seniors and youth. We’re also always focused on increasing access to the highest quality comprehensive primary health care available. To do that, we’re turning to local leaders to ensure that we get the support required to meet the health needs of everyone in our community who is looking for support.
“We need all local leaders’ support to meet the increasing needs here in Eastern Ontario,” says Bisson. “We need leaders and governments who demonstrate that they will invest in local innovations and leverage the strengths of community voices and leadership needed to support equitable health for everyone.”
Community Health and Wellbeing Week is coordinated by the Alliance for Healthier Communities of which Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie is a member. The Alliance represents more than 100 Community Health Centres, Indigenous Interprofessional Primary Care Centres and Teams, Community Family Health teams and Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics across Ontario.
The City of Cornwall’s Senior Friendly Community Committee is happy to announce their 2022 Aging Well: Senior Health and Safety Fair. The fair is taking place on Wednesday, September 28th from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Benson Center in Cornwall.
This free event is open to everyone and will showcase services and programs for seniors and their caregivers. With 40 exhibits and 15 workshops focused on aging well, there is certain to be something for everyone.
“Aging well is prolonging our autonomy and guaranteeing the desired quality of life.” Bernard Lamarche, Chair of the Senior Friendly Community Committee.
Opening ceremonies will be held at 1 p.m. in the Automotive room and will be followed by Keynote speaker James Conklin, PhD. Author, educator, scientist, and consultant, he currently leads a study of how long-term care homes are coping with change during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bilingual workshops are scheduled throughout the day on topics such as movement and nutrition for wellbeing, the power of laughter, brain health, retirement living options and so much more. Exhibitors range from senior clubs, education and volunteer opportunities, municipal services, senior living homes, recreation programs, etc.
Food and monetary donations will be accepted for the Agape Center.
To learn more about exhibitors, workshop schedules and topics please visit
This event is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.
COVID-19 | NORTH GLENGARRY FRONTLINE WORKERS | On September 9th was held in Maxville the 2022 “Business & Community Awards Gala”, hosted by the Township of North Glengarry.
As a group along with other frontline organizations, the Alexandria’s CSCE team proudly received the “Citizens of the Year” Award.
Thank you so much! 🤩
Jessica Roy (Therapist), Marc Bisson (Executive Director), Micheline Samson (Secretary), Marc Therrien (Manager), Sylvain Thibault (Health Promoter), Lucie Bissonnette (Dietitian – Diabetes Education Program), Dominique McGuire (Secretary) and Lucie Souligny (Nurse Practitioner).