Who we are ?


The Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie is committed to providing holistic, integrated, interprofessional and collaborative services to address the underlying determinants of health and thus improve the health of Francophones and the most vulnerable populations in Eastern Ontario.


The Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie appreciates and understands the needs of Francophone and vulnerable populations in the communities of Eastern Ontario. We provide the highest quality of primary health care and community services, work in partnership with other organizations to improve access to the continuum of services, and act as a navigator and coordinator of these services for the population.



The Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie is the hub of French language health services in Eastern Ontario. We work together with other organizations to deliver a comprehensive continuum of services.


An Interprofessional Approach

The Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie’s interprofessional approach means that professionals from different fields—including doctors, mental health professionals, and health promoters—work together to promote access to the full range of healthcare services we offer our clients. Team meetings, cooperation among colleagues, and internal benchmarks mean that the interprofessional team treats health problems in a way that takes every aspect of the client’s health into consideration, while addressing the social determinants of health.

Our interprofessional approach also means that personal information can be shared among professionals to allow them to select the best treatment strategy to improve the clients’ health.

Certificat d’adhésion ACSO (pdf)


  • EXCELLENCE: The CSCE delivers the highest quality services and strives for continuous improvement.
  • COMPASSION: The CSCE understands the reality of francophone and vulnerable populations, and is dedicated to improving their well-being and quality of life.
  • INTEGRITY: The CSCE staff exhibits professional, honest and respectful behaviour at all times.
  • COLLABORATION: The CSCE values and maximizes the contributions of all its members and health system stakeholders and promotes collaboration based on partnership building and teamwork.
  • ENGAGEMENT: The CSCE promotes the engagement and contribution of clients, communities, members, partners, staff and politicians at all levels of government throughout its activities.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: The CSCE promotes access to information, learning and tools that enable clients to make free and informed choices and help staff to achieve its organizational objectives.
Valeurs organisationnelles

Strategic Priorities

The Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) undertakes a strategic planning regularly. The goal of this process is to set objectives that align the CSCE’s actions with the priorities of the communities we serve. This planning work requires the commitment of CSCE staff, community partners, and board members.

CSCE Priorities for 2022-2027:

You can learn more about the CSCE’s priorities and strategic directions by reading the following documents (French only):

To learn more about how these priorities will influence day-to-day operations, please consult our Annual Report. This report allows us to review our progress over the past year and address key challenges for the future.


Canadian Index of Wellbeing

Canadian Index of Wellbeing: a framework for measuring what matters!

The Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW) at the University of Waterloo analyzes how well people in the province are really doing in the areas of their lives that matter the most.

CIW tracks changes in eight quality of life categories or “domains” including:

  • community vitality
  • democratic engagement
  • education
  • environment
  • healthy populations
  • leisure and culture
  • living standards
  • time use

To learn more about the CIW, visit their website.

Alliance for Healthier Communities Model of Health and Wellbeing 

The Alliance for Healthier Communities has developed an evidence-informed Model of Health and Wellbeing (MHWB) to guide delivery of primary health care.

The model defines health in the same way as the World Health Organization: “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Like the World Health Organization, our goal is to achieve better health for all. To reach this goal, the Alliance for Healthier Communities model champions transformative change for people and communities facing barriers to health.

For more details on this model, visit the Alliance for Healthier Communities website.

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