Lumbago is the medical term used to describe low back pain, in the lumbar vertebrae area.
Since 2015, the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) has hosted a government pilot project at its Cornwall and Alexandria locations. The CSCE has provided better access to treatment for clients who could not otherwise benefit from these services since they are not readily accessible to low-income families or to people without insurance.
To meet these needs, the CSCE has hired chiropractors and purchased specialized equipment to provide treatment, assessment, reference and education services.
Strong demand and good results led to the ongoing renewal of this initiative which, since the spring of 2018 has been an integral part of the services we offer.
This treatment includes:
By appointment only
Low back pain information brochure (PDF)
For more details on the Low Back Pain Strategy, consult the MOHLTC’s web site.