Board of Directors and members

Board of Directors 2024-2025

We are the communities we serve At the CSCE, our Board of Directors is made up of members of the communities we serve. Most of our services and programs are thus developed as a direct response to the community health needs expressed by the members of the communities.

The next meetings of the Board of Directors will take place:

  • December 10, 2024, at 4:30 PM (location to be determined)
  • February 11, 2025, at 4:30 PM, hybrid (virtually and in Cornwall)
  • March 11, 2025, at 4:30 PM, hybrid (virtually and in Bourget)
  • April 8, 2025, at 4:30 PM, in person in Limoges
  • April 13, 2025, at 4:30 PM, in person in Alexandria

To read highlights of the last Board of Directors’ meetings :

Executive Committee:

  • Chair: François Bazinet, Finch
  • Vice-Chair: Sonia Behilil, Cornwall
  • Treasurer: Marc Yelle, Bourget
  • Secretary: Marc Bisson, Executive Director


  • Jeanne Dazé, Limoges
  • Lynne Laflèche, Crysler
  • Ghislain Marleau, Alexandria
  • Carole Prévost, Casselman
  • Marlène Thélusma Rémy, Cornwall
  • Frédérique Théorêt, Lancaster
  • Linda Cléroux, North Lancaster

Interested in joining the Board of Directors? Click here for more information.

CSCE Members

By becoming a CSCE member, you will be able to express your concerns regarding health services, identify needs the CSCE might meet and be part of a group concerned by its community’s wellbeing.

Each member duly registered thirty days before the holding of the annual general assembly (in June of each year) will have full voting rights at that assembly. No membership dues are required to become a CSCE member.

Under the changes voted in at the CSCE’s annual general assembly held in June 2013, CSCE members are responsible for advising the secretary of the CSCE’s board of directors, Mr. Marc Bisson, if they are renewing their membership.

To become a CSCE member, please choose one of the following options:

  • Fill in and submit the online form.
  • Print out and fill in a membership application form and mail it to Mr. Marc Bisson, General Director, Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie, 841 Sydney Street, Unit 6, Cornwall (ON) K6H 3J7.

To renew your CSCE membership, please:

  • Fill in and submit the online form.
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