
Dietitians offer nutrition services to improve or maintain the health and well-being of individuals and to promote healthy eating habits in accordance with the client’s lifestyle and needs.

By appointment only

Individual consultations with a Registered Dietitian for personalized nutrition counseling aimed at gradual and sustainable changes in eating habits and behaviors.

Group programs and workshops

See our calendar for more information on groups offered:


Write to us or call one of our centres and specify the service you are interested in.

For professionals

Referral form nutrition service


  • Free and accessible to all – infants, children, teens, adults and seniors.
  • English and French services in Alexandria, Bourget, Crysler, Embrun, and Limoges.
  • French language services in Cornwall.
  • In-person, telephone, and video conferencing services.


Most frequent reasons for referral:

  • Healthy eating
  • Digestive disorders (e.g. constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis)
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol/dyslipidemia
  • Risk of malnutrition
  • Food allergies and intolerances
  • Anemia
  • Introduction to complementary foods (babies)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Menopause
  • Vegetarianism or veganism


Please fill out our contact form or call one of our centres

For professionals:

Referral form for nutrition services


Improve your relationship with food!

The dietitians of the CSCE are proud to offer Craving Change, a Canadian program that was developed by a clinical psychologist and registered dietitian in which the goal is to improve our relationship with food. This program uses a cognitive-behavioural approach to allow participants to become more aware of their eating behaviours. Craving Change provides several tools, activities and strategies that address the universal struggle to change problematic and emotional eating behaviours and to help control cravings.

This 6 week program is offered virtually. It is currently available in French and in English by our dietitians.

Sounds interesting? Contact us by telling your availabilities (morning, afternoon or evening) or call at the CSCE closest to you to register for the next group.


This workshop will help you better understand the types of lipids in the blood and the nutrients important for heart health.

It lasts 2.0 hours and is offered in virtual and/or face-to-face format, in English or French, by a registered dietitian.



See our Calendar for upcoming workshop dates:

To register, contact us or call your nearest centre.

Is your baby ready for complementary (solid) foods? Where do you start?

In this one-hour workshop, a registered dietitian will provide you with the most up-to-date information and answer your questions and concerns about feeding your baby.

This workshop is offered in virtual and/or face-to-face format, in English or French.

See our calendar for upcoming workshop dates and how to register.

For more information, write  us or call your nearest centre.

This one-hour workshop is offered in partnership with EarlyON centres in Alexandria, Casselman and Rockland. A dietitian will provide information about the types of food and beverages young children need for healthy growth and development, offer tips and advice about the factors which impact healthy eating, and answer your questions and concerns about feeding your young child.

This workshop is offered in virtual and/or face-to-face format, in English or French.

See our calendar for upcoming workshop dates and how to register.

For more information, write  us or call your nearest centre.

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