Cornwall, June 22, 2022 – Once again this year, the pandemic was at the forefront of Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie’s (CSCE) daily work. With this in mind, we are inviting you to review our online 2021-22 Annual Report. Thanks to the dedication, resilience and commitment of our staff, the CSCE was able to successfully respond to the many challenges that arose by continuing to provide excellent services and supporting our local health system partners.
The CSCE held its thirty-second annual meeting in virtual mode on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Ms. Shirley Racine, Chair of the Board, and Mr. Marc Bisson, Executive Director, lead the meeting. They presented the outline of the new 2022-27 CSCE Strategic Plan, the report of the nomination committee and the 2021-22 financial report. They also recognized the work of outgoing Board members and staff who have worked at the CSCE for a number of years.
In the second part of the meeting, our guest, Ms. Jacinthe Desaulniers, Chief Executive Officer of the Réseau des services de santé en français de l’Est de l’Ontario (RSSFEO), made a presentation on the theme “Health in French”. During her presentation, Ms. Desaulniers first describe the actual situation, then spoke about the impact of the health system transformation on Francophones.
The Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) is the hub of French-language health services in Eastern Ontario. The CSCE knows and understands the needs of the Francophone and vulnerable populations throughout the counties of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell. The CSCE offers the highest quality of primary and community health services, works in partnership to improve access to the continuum of services and acts as a navigator and coordinator through the community.